- the topiary art
- 1. направление роста растений2. садовое искусство3. фигурная стрижка и подрезание кустов и деревьев
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
topiary — /toh pee er ee/, adj., n., pl. topiaries. Hort. adj. 1. (of a plant) clipped or trimmed into fantastic shapes. 2. of or pertaining to such trimming. n. 3. topiary work; the topiary art. 4. a garden containing such work. [1585 95; < L topiarius… … Universalium
topiary — to•pi•ar•y [[t]ˈtoʊ piˌɛr i[/t]] adj. n. pl. ar•ies 1) bot (of a tree or shrub) clipped or trimmed into fantastic or ornamental shapes 2) of or pertaining to such trimming 3) bot topiary work; the topiary art 4) bot a garden containing such work… … From formal English to slang
topiary — /ˈtoʊpiəri / (say tohpeeuhree) adjective 1. (of hedges, trees, etc.) clipped or trimmed into (fantastic) shapes. 2. of or relating to such trimming. –noun (plural topiaries) 3. topiary work; the topiary art. 4. a garden containing such work.… …
Topiary — is the art of creating sculptures in the medium of clipped trees, shrubs and sub shrubs. The word derives from the Latin word for an ornamental landscape gardener, topiarius , creator of topia or places , a Greek word that Romans applied also to… … Wikipedia
topiary — [tō′pē er΄ē] adj. [L topiarius, concerning an ornamental garden < topia ( opera), ornamental gardening < Gr topos, place: see TOPIC] designating or of the art of trimming and training shrubs or trees into unusual, ornamental shapes n. pl.… … English World dictionary
The Four Stages of Cruelty — is a series of four printed engravings published by William Hogarth in 1751. Each print depicts a different stage in the life of the fictional Tom Nero. Beginning with the torture of a dog as a child in the First stage of cruelty , Nero… … Wikipedia
topiary — I. adjective Etymology: Latin topiarius, from topia ornamental gardening, irregular from Greek topos place Date: 1592 of, relating to, or being the practice or art of training, cutting, and trimming trees or shrubs into odd or ornamental shapes;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
The Shining (film) — The Shining Theatrical release poster Directed by Stanley Kubrick Produced by Stanle … Wikipedia
topiary — ► NOUN (pl. topiaries) 1) the art of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes. 2) shrubs or trees clipped in such a way. ORIGIN Latin topiarius ornamental gardener … English terms dictionary
The Shining (novel) — The Shining First edition … Wikipedia
Maryland Art Place — The Maryland Art Place is a not for profit contemporary art gallery in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. established in 1981. The gallery is located in the historic Pratt Street Power Plant on Baltimore s Inner Harbor. MAP offers changing exhibits each … Wikipedia